Егор Безрылов (koznodej) wrote,
Егор Безрылов

Второй после Достоевского и первый среди равных

And now that I think of it, it might have begun with her mother. The old lady never threw anything away. For months after she died, Elizabeth and I were throwing out balls of string and packages of wrapping paper and other junk.

I don't know. It's hard to know what to put down and what to leave out.

There was a lot of stuff on the radio and in the newsreels and newspapers. People getting run over, blown up, drowned, smothered, starved, lynched. Mercy killings, hangings, electrocutions, suicides. People who didn't want to live. People who deserved killing. People who were better off dead.

Jim Thompson
Tags: гении, цитаты, чужая проза

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